We were thrilled to receive this great feedback and some fantastic photos from American guest Ann Lewinsky who stayed at Settlers Drift earlier this year.
The Kariega Conservation Volunteers planted indigenous tree seedlings to celebrate Arbor Week from 1-7 September 2015.
Indigenous Trees Planted for 2015 Arbor Week
The amazing story of rhino mum Thandi and her calf Thembi were featured in the South African You and Huisgenoot magazines in August 2015. Journalist Pieter van Zyl visited Kariega wildlife reserve and was able to meet the inspiring pair.
Inspiring Eastern Cape Rhino Story Appears in SA Magazines
This fascinating bird is said to have received its name Secretary Bird from the crest of long feathers at the back of its head. The story goes that these look like the long quill pens that the olden day secretaries had tucked behind their ears or in their hair.
Secretary Bird in Eastern Cape Wilderness
There are three species of zebra - the Burchell’s or plains zebra, the Grevy’s zebra and the mountain zebra. During your safari at Kariega Private Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape you will see herds of Burchell's zebra.