School Children Raise Funds for Rhino Conservation

World Rhino Day on 22 September encourages people to get involved in the fight against rhino poaching. A group of children from Fish Hoek Primary School in Cape Town joined in the action and raised R1,000 for the Kariega Foundation Save the Rhino fund.
This inspiring story began earlier in the year when the Grade three children learnt about rhino as part of their curriculum and had to do a presentation to their peers. One young rhino warrior, Hope Turnbull (pictured above holding the rhino poster she made) has been so moved by the story of Thandi and Thembi (which means Hope in isiXhosa) that she based her presentation around the inspiring pair. She remembers being shocked by the lack of support for World Rhino Day at her school in 2014 and decided to suggest a plan of action this year. In her presentation she suggested that the school use World Rhino Day 2015 to raise funds and awareness to help save rhino. Her determination paid off and on the 22 September 2015 her entire grade came to school dressed in civvies in support of rhino. The funds raised that day have been donated to the Kariega Foundation Save the Rhino fund.
We are so proud of Hope and her Grade three friends and teachers. Well done for taking a stand and letting the world know that we can all make a difference. Our hope is that you and your friends will be able to see rhino in the wild forever.
Take a look at what else people have been doing to support the Kariega Foundation Save the Rhino fund.
Did you raise any funds on World Rhino Day 2015? We would love to hear your stories. You can share them with us by posting onto our Facebook page or leaving a comment below.