Following the release of two male servals onto Kariega Game Reserve South Africa, we were excited to have recently acquired two females – Hope and Artemis. The gorgeous young pair is settling in well at Kariega in their new boma enclosure and will be fit for release on the game park just as soon as they are big enough.
One of the four new lion cubs recently born on Kariega Game Reserve, with mom. This image was uploaded by our great ranger and talented photographer Brendon Jennings with the caption "My first sighting of the new lion cubs on the reserve - what an unforgettable moment!"
Photo - new lion cubs on Kariega Game Reserve
This lovely close up of a male Nyala was taken by Miriam Melanie Köhler and uploaded onto our Facebook page - Thanks for sharing Miriam, great image!
Photo - Nyala antelope at Kariega Game Reserve
Photo of the Week - a close up of Thandi in the half light of dusk
Photo - poaching survivor, Thandi, at Kariega Game Reserve
The rosy dawn had barely touched the hilltops when first we heard the unmistakable call of a black backed jackal, Eeeyaaa ya ya ya, surely one of the most evocative sounds of the African veld. That night, sitting around the camp-fire, we heard it again. Throughout South African country areas (except in forests and swamps) one is likely to hear their weird, wild cry.
Jackals and Dr Dolittle
As promised here are the first images of the new white rhino calf which was born around the 6 March 2013. It seems we welcome a baby girl! These great images were taken by Kariega Game Reserve ranger, Chelee Brown. Thanks Chelee!