Two young boys, with the help of their siblings, from Mitchells Plain in Cape Town have been inspired to take action by the story of Thandi’s survival.
Conservation Updates
Angie had a very busy time on the reserve before she returned to the United Kingdom for a short Christmas break. We look forward to welcoming her back in early February. Read all about her experiences in this the fourth edition of Angie's Conservation Diary, a personal account of rhino conservationist and Kariega intern Angie Goody.
Angie’s Conservation Diary: 4
Local conservationist and author Bart Logie shares his thoughts on lynx, porcupines and honey badgers and their place in conservation alongside the Big 5.
Conservation of Creatures Great and Small
Angie has had a very busy time on the reserve, hosting interntional guests, rhino conservation warriors and members of the Reserve Protection Agency. Read all about it in this the third edition of Angie's Conservation Diary, a personal account of rhino conservationist and Kariega intern Angie Goody.
Angie's Conservation Diary: 3
The second edition of Angie's Conservation Diary, a personal account of rhino conservationist and Kariega intern Angie Goody, includes an update on rhino Thandi, educating the Kariega Conservation Volunteers and enjoying a spectacular Eastern Cape safari with elephants.
Angie's Conservation Diary: 2
Angie's Conservation Diary is the personal account of rhino conservationist and Kariega intern Angie Goody. Angie usually lives in the Isle of Man and has been running her own own beef and sheep farm for 18 years. Probably the best way to describe her is a person who is passionate and devoted to saving rhinos!
Angie's Conservation Diary: 1
Local conservationist and author Bart Logie shares some memories and interesting information about the Four-striped grass mouse.
Four-striped grass mouse
The Coral trees (Erythrina lysistemon) have burst into a colourful mass of red flowers at Kariega, showing that spring is well underway in South Africa. The flowers look even more spectacular on the bare branches of the deciduous trees. The dazzling flowers make it one of the best known and widely grown trees in South Africa.