Rhino Thembi’s First Birthday

Rhino calf Thembi, miraculously born to poaching survivor Thandi, celebrates her first birthday today. Thandi and Thembi have opened our hearts and eyes to the plight of rhino and become a worldwide beacon of hope for the future of the species.
Happy birthday rhino Thembi - may you have many more…
This video is a wonderful and emotional trip down memory lane with Thandi and Thembi. It brings back to the surface the horror of Thandi’s brutal attack, her courageous fight for survival and finally the joy of Thembi’s birth - quickly tainted with the knowledge that this beautiful rhino calf lives in a world where her future is uncertain.
Regular poaching stats no longer released in SA
It is deeply concerning that the South African Department of Environmental Affairs took the decision in 2015 to stop the reporting of regular poaching statistics citing that they have no legal obligation to publish them. This is totally unacceptable and a clear message that, more than ever, rhino need our support and protection. We cannot stop fighting on their behalf.
Kariega's Save The Rhino Fund
The Kariega Foundation set up it's Save The Rhino Fund to raise money to save Thandi and Themba after their horrific poaching 2012. The fund is still active and funds raised are dedicated to the continued care and protection of our rhino. A donation to this fund would be a wonderful first birthday present for Thembi who we hope will continue to grow and thrive and become a mother herself one day. Please email murray@kariega.co.za if you would like more information or to make a donation.
Thembi’s message to the world
Let’s us also pause and take a moment on Thembi’s first birthday to give heartfelt thanks for all the amazing work that is being done, and to strengthen our resolve to keep fighting tirelessly to ensure that Thembi and all rhino live and grace our planet with their presence always.