Rhino Thembi is 18 Months Old Today

Miracle rhino calf Thembi, born to our famous poaching survivor Thandi, is 18 months old today. Thandi’s brave recovery from a brutal poaching in 2012, inspired many people from around the world to take action and start initiatives to save our rhino.
Celebrating Passionate Rhino Conservationists
This month we celebrate and promote The Rhino Run, a trail running event initiated by Sian O Keeffe. Sian is a passionate trail runner and nature lover who was inspired by Thandi’s attack and recovery to take action for rhino conservation.
Rhino Run Raise Awareness and Funds for Rhino
Since 2012, the Rhino Run has been held annually in September on the weekend closest to World Rhino Day (22 September). The 2016 Rhino Run will include five separate trail running events around South Africa on Sunday 25 September. Each event offers two or three different routes and thousands of people with be running with one voice on behalf of Africa’s magnificent rhino. Registration opens on 20 July.
Sian O Keeffe says, “Our objective is to turn this event into a global consciousness movement in which we are inviting trail runners from around the world to gather together at their favourite trails, and run in solidarity with us on the day of the event.”
Kariega Foundation Grateful Recipient of Rhino Run Funds
To date the Rhino Run has raised R545 000 and these funds have been donated to various South African non-profit organisations that are focused on fighting the war against poaching and protecting rhino. The Kariega Foundation has been a grateful recipient of funds generously donated from the Rhino Run.
We would like to challenge everyone with a nearby Rhino Run to put on their running shoes on 25 September 2016 and hit the trail for Thembi, Thandi and all the Kariega rhino. We will see you there!
For more information on this superb trail running event visit the Rhino Run website: www.therhinorun.com.