Rhino Requiem - Music Video dedicated to Thandi and Themba

Music video to raise awareness in the fight against rhino poaching - Kariega Game Reserve South Africa
This song and music video was written, produced and performed by local musician Paddy Gobel after he was touched by the tragedy of rhino poaching and the story of Thandi and Themba.
Gobel commented "As a lyricist /song writer I asked myself, what could I contribute towards helping people and organizations like yourselves with your efforts to save the Rhino. The horror of what happened with Themba and Thandi was just too much for me, so I sat down and wrote Rhino Requiem. If in any way it makes more people aware of the cruelty of the poaching, and thereby more funding towards the efforts of all those attempting to stop this carnage, then as a lyricist it will confirm what I have always believed, that a song is the best way to make a plea to the heart."
Thank you so much Paddy for sharing with us and for your passion toward raising awareness against rhino poaching.