Conservation Volunteer Testimonial April 2010

Kariega Game Reserve Conservation Volunteer Testimonials April 2010
We came here not knowing what to expect and not knowing who we were going to be sharing a house with. On both accounts the experience was LOVELY! Each day has brought a new adventure and our volunteer coordinator’s skills and knowledge has opened up a whole new world for us. I cannot begin to say which day was a highlight as all of them are so different and life changing. Working at the school was very moving and helps you appreciate how lucky we all are. Seeing the different trees, plants and environment creates new thoughts about the world we live in. The wildlife on Kariega is just breathtaking. I don’t even know where to start. My personal favourites are the warthogs and especially the one that got away from the lions. Thank you to our wonderful fellow housemates and to everyone who made this a life changing experience.” Debra wrote: “I will ditto everything James has said. I have loved every single moment here and feel like I’m leaving friends today. My dream when I came here was to just see the elephants – to sit amongst the herd has been a dream come true for me. This wonderful reserve will be in my memory forever.
- James Murphy & Debra Hulme, 12 April – 26 April 2010